mardi 1 avril 2008

I'm a Mac switcher

It's done, I'm an official Mac switcher. I've always been fascinated by Apple computers and Mac OS X but I never had the will and time to switch.
Two weeks ago I decided to buy myself a gift: a brand new 17" MacBook Pro; my old laptop became too noisy and slow anyway. My wallet is still screaming from pain (2500 € / 3900 dollars is a real pain in the ass) but it's worth every single penny; besides I think this box will server me at least for 5 years.
Right now I am exploring the world of Leopard and Mac OS X diverse applications.
I'f you're a fresh switcher like me I advise you to read articles posted on the following websites:
If you're a french speaking person like me, there's a brand new Mac OS X oriented magazine published in France: Competence MAC. Issue 1 is just out and it's all about Leopard. Go ahead and buy it, it's an ideal read in the metro while commuting to work.

Bye bye windows, Linux i'll still use you from time to time :)